Research of Short Films

During the build up to the production work I have been watching and researching a lot of Short films.  I have found 3 Film shorts which really caught my eye and are so effective in their own ways.

The 1st film short is:


A young girl, creative and idealistic, dreams of brighter days in a forgotten Eastern European city. Her fate is inextricably sealed when she crosses paths with a scheming, and enigmatic old woman, who harbors a dark secret. we see from the very start it is about a girl who loves art and she was doing graffiti on the wall and the different colours on her hair. she walks into a office to get papers stamped but the angry woman behind the desk stamped her hands instead. we later see that her hands turn black and she gets clippers to cut of her nails and we see different colour blood coming out of each nail this is a disease that can be passed once it touches someone else they can die, just like the girl died. we later then see the woman who was behind the desk taking of her glove and saw her hand being all black showing that she started it all off.


What I found so interesting about this movie is the build up to the actual damage we see that the girl has been hit with the stamp but we don’t actually pay attention to that and think that something bad will happen. The artistic features used such as the different colour blood coming out of each nail was very cleverly done and I thought was absolutely fantastic. This film was very cleverly done from start to finish especially with the special artistic effects and the twist at the end of how the old woman actually had the same black hand under her glove which makes the audience ask the question of how did it all start?.

My 2nd film short is:


The interesting thing about this film is that it combines elements of horror, suspense and drama to create a story that takes the audience on a roller coaster ride of emotions. we see a shot of the the setting which was a cornfield, we hear the crow cawing continuously and in the background a cellphone which sounds like it is engaged. It then shows a shot of the cellphone then some money and a purse on the cornfield, we hear a woman crying in pain, at this point audience thinks that this woman has either been stabbed and left for dead or been raped. The crying stops and then a knife which is held by a man gets stabbed on the floor with a lot of force. This asks why has he killed her? what has he done to her?. The scruffy looking man with long hair runs nervously towards a car and brings a blanket and makes it look like if he is covering up the body, but we then see he is carrying a baby, this whole short film which seemed as if he was killing a woman or raping her, twisted into him being a very helpful man and delivering a baby the great part of the film was deceiving the audience they would have never thought a good and happy outcome after a terrifying events that took place.


This film was a very intriguing film because it makes you want to carry on watching too find out what is he actually doing to the poor woman. It is a very simple yet very effective Short Film because all along until the end the audience thinks that he is raping/murdering her to find out that he is actually delivered someones baby. Throughout the film short no words or dialogue are exchanged, we only hear the sound of the crow, which created a lot of suspense and drama, until the end when he starts laughing and saying its a boy to show its a beautiful outcome to the film.


This film is about a man who is completely on his own, he has everything on his back, everyone has gone not aware of what has actually happen, when he walks into a pub he sits has a drink, all this time we belive that he is alone, then right  at the end we hear his phone ring making the audience go wow he is alone there is actually someone on the other end of the phone.

What I found interesting about this Short Film is the fact that it so simple yet so effective, because there are not special effects it is very realistic and the twist at the end is powerful.

I believe the director of this film Carlo Ortu got the idea for this Short Film from a film called I Am Legend which was created in 2007 which is also about how everyone has been evacuated or died because of a diesese, Will smith and his dog being all alone have tried to find a cure for disease, always on the radio asking if anyone is alive as he has shelter and food.

The Last Man On Earth


‘I Stood Up’ is about a man who very calmly gives up his seat in a train for another woman, he gave this seat up from his on kind of heart. We later find out that the train had a crash and the woman that was sitting on his seat had died. So throughout the whole Short Film we hear him repeating himself saying ‘ I got up I went left and stood at this door’ he almost feels like he knew that it was going to happen.

What I thought was very good about this film is that fact that is was so simple bet yet so effective for the audience, because its in two different locations one of the train and the other where they had the train crash. The script was not very complicated few words that were repeated itself. The sound in the movie I thought helped build up tension with the non-digetic sound I knew something was going to happen.


By mehul94

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