Thinking Of Short Film Ideas

Me and my production team came up with few ideas

1st Idea was:

The Mischief Child:

Narrative – Boy who gets everything from his parents, anything he demands he gets. In some ways he is always rude to his parents he never does what he is told. He always kicks up a big fuss when his mother has told him to do some housework, he is basically relying on his parents  for everything. He is also a very lazy person who can not even make himself a cup of tea. Everything that is done for him like parents giving a surprise on his birthday or buying him something unexpectedly he does not appreciate so he does not appreciate his parents thoughts or helpfulness. So through out the movie we see him doing all this stuff to his parents, but as the Short Film progresses the mother and father have had a car crash and have both unfortunately died. Meaning that the child is left alone and in the hands to take care of all fathers business and the house all by himself, after they have died he realises how hard his parents worked to give him the best possible life. All the time he didn’t appreciate life is living in sorrow and wishing his parents were here, not so he can go back to his original life but to actually say sorry and too give them help in hand in everything they do. At the end of the film a quote comes up saying “Appreciate everything you have life, because one day all those things will just fade away”.

Genre and target audience – This type of film would be a Drama because of the events that have been going on. It would been targeted towards a more teenage and parents because that’s who we want to give the message to and get across especially with the quote because I know that there are kids out there who take everything for granted and don’t appreciate everything they have no matter how big or small.

This idea is relatively easy to make as you would need only couple of location one would be the home of parents and child and the other the scene of the crash, not major amounts of props would be needed and costumes would mostly be for the parents who would need to be in work clothes and sometimes in casual clothes. The major difficulty of this idea is actually filming a car crash this would be difficult because it will be hard to make it look like a car crash, trying to get it on fire and also due to the health and safety elements we would not be able to this. An alternative to actually showing a car crash is showing an ellipsis and cut away the actual car crash but the audience will acknowledge that a car crash did happen. The other thing I  could do is making a phone call from the hospital to the little boy.

2nd Idea:

Narrative – Similarly to the 1st idea but, a man comes home from a hard day of work, we see that he is a wealthy man by when he is pulling up to his house he is driving a nice house and we see him having a nice house too. we see that he has a girlfriend or wife living with him and he doesn’t really pay her any attention, she asks to do stuff over the weekend he just ignores her or says no I cant i have got a lot of work to do at the office i wont be back home this weekend i am away on a meeting in another city. After year of being together he comes back from his meeting to find a note on his bed as he reads the note it says things like how she has left him because it hasn’t worked out and he doesn’t pay any attention to her. Bringing the realisation to what he actually has been doing.

Genre/Target audience – Once again the genre is Drama, and the target audience will be more adults from ages 20 and above because it reflects around adults lives more then it does in teenagers lives from 15 16 years of age. There some sort of stories all the time how somebody has left this person for this reason.

This idea is actually more tricky too make because we would need to find an adult male and female to act in this Short film that would be hard because to find a good actor/actress is difficult. Also it would be hard to find somebody who not only has good acting skills but also a good car and nice house. Some people are not willing to have that sort of relationship acts within peoples relationship.


3rd Idea:

Narrative – This was a  person who has gone to work and the employee has a huge crush on the worker, and so does everything she can in order too actually try and get with this guy, but its done in a way that is bit unique and different like always trying to make him fail at all the work he does, she is aware that the guy she is trying it with is actually married with two children, being at the company for 3 months he think its actually time to get back at this woman for all the stuff she is doing. So he takes revenge by trying to set her up by firing her. This is done by him making obstacles and attempts of fooling her in various different ways, but with trying too hard to make her fail in the work and get her fired, he trys another approach by actually going along with all the stuff the employer is doing but actually tricking her into something that makes her caught.

Genre/Target Audience – The genre would be comedy because it has humor and context viewers will find funny, the target audience would be teenagers and adults age from 20-20 this is because they can actually relate to working style, but also the humor which would be included the audience would understand.

This Short film can work as it can be done at an office or even in a class room, where a teacher is trying something with a sub teacher. The difficult part of this film is the obstacles the employer can face also the fact that making it a comedy will be very tough because some people might find it and some might not find it funny, this is all about taking a risk there’s a 50/50 chance it will be successful or not. My inspiration for this idea came from a movie called HORRIBLE BOSSES 

Horrible Bosses

By mehul94

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