wild at heart poster


Representation of People

The two characters in this poster seem to be at the age of around mid 20s

– In this poster A male and A female is being represented this suggest as they are in the centre of the poster they are the two main characters and the film will revolve around these two characters

– From the clothing of the male it seems to be quite wealthy and a very cool trendy guy as he is wearing snake skin jacket showing the time era where snake skin was in fashion, on top of his black clothes underneath. Whereas the woman in this poster doesnt have an awful lot of clothing she also has glasses on she has this promiscuous look.

– From the experession and the posture of both characters they seem to be very confident but the female seems to be more confident then the male as he seems to be a little confused this breaks a stereotype of male being more dominant then female. the posture of the woman represents her in a sexual way you can tell by the way her posture is and how her hands are on her hips and her top of the body is forced to stick out.

– In this poster the relationship between the two characters shows that they are a couple, although the male is in front and the female behind shows the distance between the two characters, this shows that the people trying to separate them is working.

Technical Codes 

– The text in this poster is in the color blue this links in with the fire in the background and color blue could represent water as water is the only thing that can put fire out.

– The images have been taken seperately the characters photos been taken in a studio whereas the blue thunderbolt car has been taken on a empty highway, these images have been edited on photoshop to create the image of the male in the middle the woman bit to the left and the car with one door open showing they trying to escape, the fire in the background has been done graphic software.

– all images have been in focus this is because every image in this poster represents an important element, and makes the audience ask questions such as how did that fire start, what is the relationship between the two characters and what are they up too.

Text Included

– The title of the film ‘ Wild At Heart’ represents the central character and his clothing as its snake skin this shows that snakes are wild animals.

– The title is written in in simple text but what sells the title to this film is the big bold writing although it is pure simplicity it is effective ( ‘less is more’ )

– No tagline is being represented in this film, a tagline usually describes a bit of the film in a sentence in this poster no tagline is used which makes the audience want to watch this film and be kept in suspense.

Objects that are included 

– The colour codes in this poster are opposites, the red fire represents danger but the antagonist would be the blue text which could represent water. This is also the case with the clothing, the man is wearing dark color which could represent hate and the woman is wearing red which represents love.

– The background colors in this poster represents danger because of the fire and the color red this shows the film could all be about danger possibly someone trying to kill one or both these characters.

The Function Of Advertisement

– This poster was created and used to get people aware that the film is going to be realesed.

– The narrative of this film shows through the two characters and the fire behind them, the two characters showing that they are in love with each other but through the poster the fire seems to be all around them showing that everywhere they go some element of danger is there. On the right hand side of the poster there is a little logo of heart with a knife through it the heart representing love between the two characters and the knife representing the danger.

The Audience 

– This poster is being advertised for anyone 18 or over this shows that there is elements of sexual content and some elements of violence.

– This poster could be advertised inside cinemas, this is because in the 1990 not many form of technology was available to watch films so the only way they could watch a film is cinemas, so when the audience walk into cinemas they will see the posters. If this film was being advertised in 2013 the poster would not only be in cinemas but places such as, tv, buses, billboards, cinemas, train platforms, newspaper, radio, this is because showing this poster in only cinemas would not work due to the huge developement of technology watching through tv, DVD, internet.

By mehul94

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