In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or challenge Forms and conventions of Real Media Products

My Film ‘IN MY ARMS’ follows the typical convention of a thriller, this is done by the props and lighting and locations of which my film shows, the lighting is very dark the props which were used were, t-shirt with blood, the sinister gloves. In My Arms develops the thriller throughout the film, firstly shows the innocence of Louise, as the film develops the innocent louise turns into a spiteful evil Louis. As most thriller films, it follows a sequence, whereby it builds up suspense to the final outcome, this is also the case with my ‘IN MY ARMS’ it builds up suspense from the beginning and has a final exploding outcome.

sinister gloves 

My Film resembles real film examples these include:

– Sinsiter – I believe my film is best suited to this film example, as it follows everything sinister does, it does not blast into thriller film fromn the beginning it builds up slowly and then creates huge amount of suspense, which in the end someone or the main character gets caught or dies, My film actually breaks conventions toward the ending of the film, as IN MY ARMS, does not allow the character or Louise in this case get caught, or does not die. 

– mama

As there are many typical conventions in a thriller I wanted to create something different and imaginitive for the ending, as well as creating a twist at the end of the film, IN MY ARMS does not allow the character to get caught, it creates enigmas for the audience leaving them to wonder what s going to happen next.

My film follows the conventions and follows, the Dominant Western Hagemony this is where conventions follow any type of genre for example:

– Pain Does Not Play

– Love Always Wins

– Justice Prevails

– Moral Code


The format of my film is a five minute short, this was done on a digital video camera which is also used in the film industry.


Viewing many film posters, and how film posters are created, it shows that my film poster follows conventions of a thriller poster, my poster shows a shot from the actual film, this is a shot of Louis in the grave, in a thriller poster the background will be very dark and usually with a single person in the poster, In thriller posters I had researched it shows that the single person in the poster has a closeup shot

11337 dorian_gray_poster_2 the black swan poster

In all three posters it shows there is a close up of the character on the poster. My film poster breaks that convention of a close up as ‘IN MY ARMS’ uses a long shot of louis infront of a grave, this was intential as once again, I wanted to break the convention of the close up but also see if the whole thriller outcome works when I do break the convention.

Many elements are used in my film poster which indicates that is a thriller such as:

Text – I used sharp bold capital letters for the names of the actors, also for the credit block, and the title

colour – I have used red text for the actors names and title of the film, this is because this indicates that this is a thriller film shown from the connotations that colour red is associated with for example – blood. I have also used the colour black for the tagline, thriller posters use the colour black as it is associated with something dark, dull, and scary this was my purpose of using the colour black to create some sense of spookiness.

Tagline – Here I have broke the convention of a thriller poster, as the poster does not want to give a lot away and create the sense of innocence for louis and feel sympathy towards him, the tagline ‘YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU HABE UNTIL ITS GONE’ shows that he has lost someone very dear to him and someone he cares about very much.


As our brief I had to follow the conventions and format of the major film magazine called ‘Little White Lies’ which is a bi-monthly british movie magazine. researching little white lies for many weeks I had toi create the review in this style.

The format of my magazine follows the conventions of little white lies, this was created on photoshop to makeit easier for me to create as many tools were used. The structure is also the same it has a picture at the top most of the time which is used in the actual film, been rounded edges using the refine edge tool on photoshop and it follows the two whole columns of writing which is followed up with the thrid column with half writing which underneath has the rating system.

Overal my film review follows the conventions of LWL (LITTLE WHITE LIES) as it follows the same structure format media language as lwl.

By mehul94

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