How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Technology is changing every day, month, year, loads of differnet companies bring out many different gadgets to compete for being the best and getting high sales. for many years apple have been comfotable at the top of the charts as having the best phones, in more recent years samsung have come on top and competed against apple.


With these two being the top brands withing hte technology industry another recent company which is competing against these two are sony with the new xperia Z waterproof phone.


New technology has many advantages and disadvantages for media producers advantages include things such as controll every aspect of the film, supervise everyone, have more say in what goes on, disadvantages if anything goes wrong everything comes back to the media producer so having to create a operation and successful product is vital.

as well as media producers the audience also have advantages and disadvantages, the advantages include recieving top notch technology which makes everything easier for you, acess and find out information much more easily, the disadvantages include, new technology is more expensive as your paying more for the actual brand then you are for technology, also it is less reliable, new technology breaks more easily  then old technology especially when it comes to mobile phones.


In terms of how media products are produced, anyone can create a film this can be done on many form of tecnhological devices such as mobile phones, ipods, cameras. These methods are used to create a film in a a cheap way many different apps are also available to edit and modify of the actual film. The ways films are distributed and exhibited is from various methods the main one is the form of internet and social networking sites such as facebook, twitter, youtube being the most popular one, which allows the youtube video to be shared on facebook and many people all over the world can get access to it.

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I have used many forms of technology during my advanced production work, such as the apple macs, which has a software called Final Cut Pro X which is also used in the film industry, this makes editing the short film very easy to create edit and modify things, if one mistake is made it can be easily resolved by clicking one button. To make the actual film I used a handheld video camera. In Terms of the review and the poster I used a software called Adobe Photoshop, this allows images or text to be changed in various different ways, it also brings out the creativity levels within yourself, as you have many tools and many options to do loads of things it unstoppable of yourself to explore the tools and try them out.





Technology used – We used the internet to do the reasearch of short films, and watch various film shorts the website which i used the most was the BBC FILM NETWORK as it had loads of differnet film shorts.

Developement from AS to A2 – The major and most important developement made was the amount of research that went into this production, in AS i had to research loads of different thriller films, in A2 I researched laods of different film shorts, and what a whole film short consists off rather then just looking at opening of a film.


Technology used for the film – digital video cameras were used to video our footage for the short films. Apple macs were used and also final cut pro was used to edit our film.

Development from AS to A2 – Although we used the same equipement to video our footage, this year I had to do this in a more creative and original way to make the film more interesting, one major developement is th software we used to edit the film we went from IMOVIE to FINAL CUT PRO X which is more better software to edit and which the film industry use.

Techolgy used for the Poster and review – To make the poster and review I used a software called adobe photoshop this makes it simple as many tools are provided.

Development from AS to A2 – In AS I did not have to create a poster or review, this year I did this was a very difficult process as it was something new and something I have never done before huge amount of research went into it.

By mehul94

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