Analysing Posters – Limitless


Representation of people

There are two males in this film poster, one at the age of late 20s early 30s and one male who is older who looks around to be in his 50s, they both got middle class people with a white ethnic background, I can tell they are middle class by the clothes they are wearing, they are both wearing suits which represents they have a good job and have a fair bit of money as nobody would wear a suit for no apparent reason unless they work and work for a fairly good company or they are there own boss. The facial expression of ‘Bradley Cooper’ (front) seems like he means business and looks like he doesn’t take rubbish from anyone  he is his own boss, also his body posture is stood very confidently with his arms couple inches away from his body which represents that he means business although he may be the younger one out the two the way he has been placed in the poster which is in front of the older man, shows that he is the dominant person in this film, the movie will circle around him and he is on top. On the other hand the man behind  has his hands in his pocket although he is behind and doesn’t seem as dominant as Bradley Cooper with the hands in his pocket still shows he is confident. It shows he is a little bit cocky it seems like he is letting younger to be in front but I will bring you down sort of attitude. Looking at this poster and the way they both standing an dwhere they are standing ‘Robert De niro’ behind Bradley cooper shows that they are some sort of enemies, they are both businessmen who are trying to compete against eachother and trying to come on top. The relationship is more hatered and competition between the two. As it says on the poster a female actress ‘Abbie Cornish’ is also in the film maybe she could have been included in this poster as she is his girlfriend for a amount of time in the movie,  although she is featured in the movie she may have not been included in the poster because she is not a majorly well famous actress in the UK and also having Bradley Cooper in the poster attracts the women to watch the film but also the men are interested in the movie because of the two men who are in the film showing a male audience through the main concept of the film but showing the female attraction through Bradley Cooper.

Technical Codes

Through the poster it seems to be an interesting film. This is because of the colours used in the poster they are bright, bold and colourful make it an automatic eye catching poster for the audience. The effect the poster has used is shutterspeed effect on the cars and building around the two characters, this could suggest that his life is moving very quickly or is very past paced life he is living.  The image has been cropped and framed as the two characters set to be in the middle of the poster showing that the movie is dominant around their lives and everything that happens is circled around them. The cars and buildings around them which are in shutter speed effect could represent the high life or and past life they are living  or they are two people who are in business together who are just raking in money and living life to the max. ‘Bradley Cooper’ and ‘Robert Deniro’ are in the middle of the frame and are both in focus as which represents that they both are the two main characters in the film, if they wearnt they would not be on the poster and certainly not framed as two confident people. Everything around the two characters is like mentioned in shutter speed effect again representing the wild crazy, expensive life they are living.

Text Included

The posters or the films tagline is ‘everything is possible when you open your mind’ and on th right hand side of the poster it is written ‘Clear Pill’ linking that image and the slogan together it seems to be a pill that can open your mind up and help you live the high life and makes everything into fast paced mode which is represented through the shutter speed on the poster. The slogan can also relate to the two characters which are shown on the poster, representing that the ‘Robert Deniro’ is the main business man but over as the film progresses Bradley Cooper comes out on top using that clear pill. The type of font which is being used is big bold white writing, it is not anything fancy it is just standard text which makes the Title stand out and appeal to the audience this typeface has been used because the colour white represents a new beginning so one of these men could potentially start a new life I believe the colour white and the ‘clear pill’ have something in common as the colour white represents starting a new life, the new life could have been started because of the ‘clear pill’ one of these men have taken.

Objects Included

The advert and the text is set in new York, I can tell this by the yellow taxis that are being shown in the poster on the right hand side. Also the building which are being represented are very tall and streets seem to be very colourful this is another aspect where I can tell they are in new York city. Objects which are being represented in the film are tall buildings some look like offices this represents the two men in a suit, they could be working at one of those offices, also on the left hand side of the poster it says ‘unlock potential’ this could also relate to the suits the offices and the clear pill, by taking the clear pill could unlock the potential which can be shown through working and working yourself up to a well respected job. The fact that it says clear pill on the poster they could have shown the clear pill somewhere on the poster, the reason they may have not actually put that in there could be that the clear pill could give away too much of the film and may not actually attract the audience if they actually know what the film is about so it doesn’t tell too much of the story in this poster. Background colour signifys that they are in a well known city where there is a land of opportunity, and you can work to the full potential to get somewhere in life. The colourful scheme of colours show that this film could be about racing, because of the shutter speed of cars making them look fast, the board that says unock potential, that could represent a car meaning unlocking its full potential means maybe hitting the turbos nitros switch in a car and making it go very fast.

The function of the advertisement

By looking at the poster in huge depth, the film Limitless seems to be a bout a pill that is taken by one of these two men and makes them rise to the top, one of these men are successful through the use of the pill and another person gets pretty ruined because of the rise of the other man. As the audience we are suppose to identify with the characters as they are portrayed in the centre of the poster we have bradley cooper and robert dinero who are both very big stars, that is why they are placed on the posters and the way they are centre of poster. In this image you can tell that Bradley Cooper is in control of the image, this is by his facial expression it looks like he really means business and wants to achieve, also how he is in the centre of the poster showing he is in control and the main character of this film.

The advertisement is aimed at teenagers people who up to there late 30s of both genre, the male attention comes from the actual poster it self and everything around the two men, such as the shutter speed effect and the colorful seems like a very colorful place to go to, and the female attention will come from I think purely because of ‘Bradley Cooper’ a well known actor who is a good looking handsome man, and many of his fan base will be women. People who have seen ‘Hangover’ a very well known comedic film many of Bradley Coopers fan base could have come merely because of that film. Prior knowledge of the film is not needed, from the poster it is clear that this film is about two men successful at what they do because of a clear pill. The advertisement is part of a small campaign they have not got little action figures of Bradley Cooper for this film or they have not realized a clear pill this it is posters and trailers which is selling this film, reasons why some things may not be released is because action figure and collectable items are stereotyped with small kids, this film is not aimed at small kids more sophisticated young adults and adults who don’t collect items.

By mehul94

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